Christmas 2019 in Thessaloniki

Glamorous Decoration and Unique Festive Experiences!

Greece » Thessaloniki

In a few days we will celebrate Christmas and the Municipality of Thessaloniki is all set to make the city shine and provide its citizens and its visitors of the most unique festive experiences. This year's Christmas in Thessaloniki will be unique because both the decoration of the city and the parallel events are expected to be better than any other year. A tall natural Christmas tree of 17-20 meters ornamented by thousands of lights will illuminate Aristotelous Square and next to it will be the manger. In front of the "Olympion" there will be a glass music box from which strings of music notes will come out "embracing" Aristotle's Square and symbolizing the pentagram, while 60 lighting arches and impressive glass cubes filled with feathers will adorn the flower beds across the whole Aristotle's road. Courthouse Square will feature the Christmas Village and Christmas Market with the Santa Claus house, the carousel and 40 wooden houses constructed in European standards where many Christmas sweets and other Christmas products will be available for sale to the visitors. At the Christmas Village except of the Santa Claus' house, there will be also 5 little playhouses, where the kids will be able to play games and learn at the same time. This year’s holiday decorations in Thessaloniki will be enriched by new luminous garlands and twinkling lights, as well as an illuminated sky formation on the square of Agia Sophia.

The lighting of Thessaloniki’s enormous Christmas tree in the heart of Aristotelous square on December 7th will mark the beginning of the city’s holiday festivities that will last until the 7th of January of 2020. It will be an exciting event on which the Symphony Orchestra of Thessaloniki’s Municipality will be on stage playing music and accompanying the popular singer Alcestis Protopsalti who will then perform some of her most famous songs. Afterwards a special performance of the piano group, Piandaemonium will follow where 12 pianists with 6 pianos will create a musical feast.The highlight of the December 7th musical event program will be the songs of a group of top performers who will be singing from various balconies of the city's square. The program of this festive evening will be presented by the well-known Thessalonian TV presenter, Sakis Tanimanidis.

On New Year's Eve 31-12-2019, in the time of year's changing, colorful fireworks will illuminate the sky above the main square of the city offering a particularly amazing spectacle. The famous pop singer Eleni Foureira will open the New Year's Eve festive program and she will be on stage counting live the minutes till the change to the upcoming Year 2020. The New Year's Eve music program will be opened by Fortissimo, the most famous Greek violin quartet while the unique and loved actor Giannis Servetas will present the event. The 2019 Christmas celebration in Thessaloniki is a personal bet for the city's new Mayor Constantine Zervas. A bet that so far seems to this year's Christmas will be the best of all! Thessaloniki is inviting both children and adults to join the holiday spirit! Don’t miss to be part of these splendid festivities at the Aristotle square and get ready to experience the most wonderful Christmas in Thessaloniki!


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